And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Friday, November 04, 2005

katie, i knew you were dirty!!!

i don't even know how to start this. we went to chippendales tonight. i was really kind of shy about the whole thing at first, really nervous that some ugly nasty sweaty man was going to grind all over me. well, they did. except for the ugly nasty part. two really hot men danced on top of me, and i loved it.

the one with the short hair and tattoos is named chris and he's really hot and kissed me on the top of my head after rubbing his "area" in my face. of course, i grabbed his ass and stuck a dollar in his underwear at the same time, and he smelled REALLY good. the whole night was hilarious, though. eva got four lap dances and 3 kisses, carla got a grind from chris, and then there's katie. right from the start katie fell in love with a really nerdy looking guy named nick with spiky black hair and glasses. so eva, carla and i made it our mission to get her a lap dance from him. and we did. he braced himself on her chair, straddled her, and did an amazing impression of a caterpillar all up and down her body, then kissed her on the temple. i don't think katie was really comprehending all the was happening, but knew enough to GRAB HIS THIGHS AND HOLD ON FOR DEAR LIFE!! it was glorious. best night in winona yet. oy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/05/2005 7:22 PM


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