And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

my 100 things

over the past week or so i've been working on a list of the 100 things i look for in a man. i have finally finished it, so here it is for all to see(note, these items are not in order of importance):
1. strong arms
2. straight/good teeth
3. smart
4. makes me laugh
5. normal feet
6. liberal
7. pro-choice
8. likes classic rock
9. brown or red hair
10. movie freak
11. likes to spoon
12. no strong minnesotan or canadian accent
13. svelt
14. broad shoulders
15. no jewelry
16. loves animals
17. willing to go shopping
18. close to his family
19. clean hair
20. good taste in shoes
21. doesn't like country music
22. loves history
23. doesn't wear jean shorts
24. reads a lot
25. socially conscious
26. smiles a lot
27. bright eyes
28. can pull off flip flops
29. no black tribal tattoos
30. only ear piercings, if any
31. not racist
32. open
33. no back hair
34. clean
35. likes to travel
36. smells good
37. gets seinfeld
38. loves concerts
39. doesn't cheat
40. sings out loud, even if it's bad
41. loves the city (any city)
42. not homophobic
43. thinks i'm funny
44. not too serious about life
45. willing to make a fool of himself in public
46. likes to dance
47. independent
48. drives an acceptable car
49. diverse taste in music
50. went to college
51. has goals/ambitions
52. random/silly
53. willing to change his mind
54. honest
55. treats me well
56. likes southern/soul food
57. not a jesus freak
58. loves ice cream
59. respectful
60. good taste in clothes
61. forms his own opinions
62. spontaneous
63. thoughtful
64. willing to watch chick flicks
65. loves target
66. likes to ride the train
67. does not like the white sox or yankees
68. willing to cry, but doesn't do it often
69. humble
70. must love coming of age movies
71. enjoys thrifting
72. loves road trips
73. doesn't call me baby or honey
74. handy/ good with tools
75. can cook
76. strong hands
77. returns calls
78. says the right thing at the right time
79. tells me when i'm wrong/out of line
80. gets along with my family
81. anti-war
82. witty/silly
83. a night owl
84. good with kids
85. taller than me
86. creative
87. not obsessed with video games or poker
88. college basketball fan
89. good kisser
90. finds me attractive
91. likes my friends
92. treats me like an equal
93. likes cold weather
94. the girls approve
95. noticable chemistry
96. doesn't root for Duke
97. his friends like me
98. doesn't have a temper
99. no socks with sandals
100.good conversationalist


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