fondling is for lovers
MY BRAIN IS MELTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg, go to google, click images, search brain melting. second picture... then the one on the bottom left.
things like that make me happy.
i'm in geography. i can't take this anymore. he is the most racist and closed minded person i have ever met, and i feel like a traitor for being in this class.
my hair is really soft today.
november fourth at 7pm we're going to be leaning on the stage hollering at hot naked men. as we're on the phone with the ticket lady andrea turns to us and says "i better get to see some ballage."
we all just stopped and stared at her. andrea. blonde, smiling andrea who didn't know that balls moved until this year really wants to see some. not just that, she wants to see hairy, sweaty, probably gay, chemically shrunken strange man balls. but hey, that's what she wants. i don't know if chippendales goes for the full monty, but if they do i think the faces of andrea and katie will be priceless, eva will be screaming, carla will be trying to pinch butts, and i'll be sitting back just enjoying the scene laying out in front of me. unfortunatly, we'll probably be kicked out because they'll tell us too late that we're not allowed to touch the dancers, but we won't care. we will have gotten to see man ass.
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