And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Monday, November 07, 2005

alfred hitchcock owns me.

my cultural geography teacher sounds like tom brokaw if i close my eyes. it's really quite soothing at 8 in the morning. i might just lay my head down and let his stories of religion and culture wash over me, lulling me to sleep.
the only problem is i would jump at a really small noise and wake up with keyboard imprints on my face.
yarg, i keep having really strange vivid dreams and it makes me feel like i'm not getting any sleep at all. now the girl behind me's computer fan keeps going. that has to be the most annoying sound in the entire world. i have a feeling i'm going to be really crnaky today, and i don't have anything to look forward to tonight or tomorrow. wednesday is room draw, though. we'll finally know whether or not we have our apartment at eastlake. i just want to have it and be over with. i don't know what we'll do if they're full. it shouldn't be too bad having a two bedroom, katie and i are used to sleeping in the same room and with two other rooms in the house it won't be an issue of not being able to do anything after she goes to sleep. i was just hoping to have my own room for the firt time in 2 or 3 years. i saw the 3 in that, because in my room at home i don't feel that i'm alone. i always get an eerie feeling that someone else is there or watching me. i've gotten to the point where i don't EVER open my curtains because i'm afraid someone is going to be sitting on the trinkos roof watching me.
i just got vertigo. is that bad? at least i think it was vertigo. i've never had it before, but this is what i imagine it feels like. maybe i'm just getting some warped form of tunnel vision. i don't know, i need to be taking more notes. i have a test on wednesday.


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