And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

boo on nosek

it's very lonely right now in winona. i have to leave for class in 45 minutes, but i have nothing to do until then. i finished the checklist, i'm all packed, the onyl things that aren't in my car are the things i'm going to need before i head out. all that's left is to go to this stupid bio lecture, then make the long drive home.

i hate driving alone for this long. i need to be around people. granted, i get to catch up on my horrendous singing and thinking, but i need to talk. gah. listening to free bird really isn't helping. hold on a sec...

that's more like it. there was a lot more money in my bank account than i thought there would be, it was really nice. i know that i can buy christmas presents for my family. i really shouldn't bblow through it too fast, though, i still have the rest of the semester. i can't start working until next semester when i get my new schedule, anyway.

so i got my access code yesterday, drama free. it was really nice. and i never ever have to see becky mcconnell again. that lady hates me, and the feeling's pretty mutual.

i just can't wait to see frank, and laurel, and amanda, and nick, and tom, and smurph, and deanna, and my puppies. yarg.

i've been alone in this room on the weekend several times, but for some reason it just feels really really empty right now. like when i moved out of 708 at the end of last year. plus it's gorgeous outside, and i'd much rather be out walking the lake with eva and nick, but i thought i had more to do. i guess not.

well, back to me moping and listening to crappy music. i'm saving the good stuff for the car.


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