And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

i'm thinking about what a giraffe looks like when it has the hiccups.

hahahaha. my blog comes up when you search him again. i love that i keep checking. is it wrong that i think this whole situation is freakin hilarious?

no. so leave me alone.

so i think i'm in love with my western civ teacher, matt lindaman, in a totally non sexual way. this is the one i went to that junior high history contest with, who apparently thinks i'm plotting the revolution. anyway...

i had his class yesterday at one, but he let us out after 10 minutes so he could go to a speech about indiana basketball/be out of the building while his wife did an interview. so he pretty much just gave us the test questions for two weeks from now, then left. i stayed in minne for a while, just chatting with betsy and working on my computer. at about 3:30 lindaman came back and all of a sudden, he powerwalked out of his office (he always seems like he's in a hurry) and came up to me with a newspaper article that he'd pulled out.

i guess the fact that i judged the contest for him makes me his new friend, which i don't hate in any way shape or form, because that means he gives me newspaper articles that give me the answer and a citeable source for the last essay question on the test. what this means is, i already know one of the questions on the test, so out of the 5 he gave us to prepare, i only have to look at 3. a lot less busywork for me. it also means he thinks i'm worth the effort, which is a good indicator of how i'm doing in the class. and i like the direction that's taking.

i'm just glad that in this hand full of weeks i usually have such a problem with, i'm getting positive feedback and keeping things upbeat. not too much depressing crap. i did have a bit of a breakdown last night with beans, but i pulled it out in the end with humor and grace, if i do say so myself. that by ne means suggests that the problem is solved... it won't be until about april. but that's ok. spring break starts tomorrow.

i'm realizing right now, that's only the second time i've mentioned spring break so far. maybe it's because it's probably just going to be a week of me sitting on my ass studying, capped off by st. patty's day celebrations. at least i'll be in chicago, though.


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