And there I was killing them softly with my song. Or rather being killed. And not so softly either.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

we were party downing

today was a good day. andrea, carla, katie and i went to LaCrosse/Onalaska. we saw elizabethtown, went shopping at valley view mall, and then ate at applebees. but i have to say, the best was coming home and having a full-on dance party in the 1st shepard lounge. oh, it was glorious. only pictures and video could describe the beauty that was our dance party.

the crowning glory was all four of us performing the numa numa song on video. i don't think anything could beat that moment. to see it go here

Thursday, October 27, 2005

my 100 things

over the past week or so i've been working on a list of the 100 things i look for in a man. i have finally finished it, so here it is for all to see(note, these items are not in order of importance):
1. strong arms
2. straight/good teeth
3. smart
4. makes me laugh
5. normal feet
6. liberal
7. pro-choice
8. likes classic rock
9. brown or red hair
10. movie freak
11. likes to spoon
12. no strong minnesotan or canadian accent
13. svelt
14. broad shoulders
15. no jewelry
16. loves animals
17. willing to go shopping
18. close to his family
19. clean hair
20. good taste in shoes
21. doesn't like country music
22. loves history
23. doesn't wear jean shorts
24. reads a lot
25. socially conscious
26. smiles a lot
27. bright eyes
28. can pull off flip flops
29. no black tribal tattoos
30. only ear piercings, if any
31. not racist
32. open
33. no back hair
34. clean
35. likes to travel
36. smells good
37. gets seinfeld
38. loves concerts
39. doesn't cheat
40. sings out loud, even if it's bad
41. loves the city (any city)
42. not homophobic
43. thinks i'm funny
44. not too serious about life
45. willing to make a fool of himself in public
46. likes to dance
47. independent
48. drives an acceptable car
49. diverse taste in music
50. went to college
51. has goals/ambitions
52. random/silly
53. willing to change his mind
54. honest
55. treats me well
56. likes southern/soul food
57. not a jesus freak
58. loves ice cream
59. respectful
60. good taste in clothes
61. forms his own opinions
62. spontaneous
63. thoughtful
64. willing to watch chick flicks
65. loves target
66. likes to ride the train
67. does not like the white sox or yankees
68. willing to cry, but doesn't do it often
69. humble
70. must love coming of age movies
71. enjoys thrifting
72. loves road trips
73. doesn't call me baby or honey
74. handy/ good with tools
75. can cook
76. strong hands
77. returns calls
78. says the right thing at the right time
79. tells me when i'm wrong/out of line
80. gets along with my family
81. anti-war
82. witty/silly
83. a night owl
84. good with kids
85. taller than me
86. creative
87. not obsessed with video games or poker
88. college basketball fan
89. good kisser
90. finds me attractive
91. likes my friends
92. treats me like an equal
93. likes cold weather
94. the girls approve
95. noticable chemistry
96. doesn't root for Duke
97. his friends like me
98. doesn't have a temper
99. no socks with sandals
100.good conversationalist

me = poop

i'm just so tired. i don't know why, but things are starting to catch up with me. according to my horroscope i'm supposed to take the day off and putz around in my bathrobe eating ice cream and watching sappy movies. but i can't because i have responsibilities right now. bah. i don't want to be in classes right now, i need a girly relax night. so if anyone else is feeling like that, let's party.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

god damn white sox

fuck. i'm never going to hear the end of this. i hate the white sox with a flaming passion. i actually hate them. they are whiny brats and they don't deserve the good fortune that has been bestowed upon them.
unfortunatly since i am from chicago, people will be lecturing me about this for years. i am a cubs fan. A CUBS FAN!!! no amount of talking is going to make me like the white sox, ever. i am wearing my cubs jersey tomorrow. it's decided.
i'm sorry, it's just that i can see in my head the conversations that people are going to try to have with me in the next couple days. and i will remain in a state of constant denial and defiance,

so to all of you out there who are waiting to rub this in my face, don't even bother. i won't even respond.

"glitter" was ahead of its time

picture this:
super long shiny blonde hair
presidential t-shirt
glittery purple cape
over-flared black gaucho capris
purple fishnets
clear high heel with a sparkly purple toe strap

sounds trashy, no?
that's my halloween costume.

official title?
Lord of the Boogie Down.

that's right, and it's nothing compared to the other girls. this halloween is going to be AWESOME.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

royal blunder

so, i'm trying to figure out how to put together my halloween costume this year. andrea, carla, katie and i are taking on our dorm room dance party personnas, and it's proving to be a bit more difficult than we thought.
andrea has to figure out how to be the Queen of Funk
carla is the Dance Commander
katie is the Duchess of Bop 'n' Hop
and i'm Lord of the Boogie Down

what the hell are we supposed to do with that?!?!?!?

if you have any ideas im me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

insert emo sad icon

i have come to the realization that i'm not cool. i try to be all scene and witty and original, but i'm just a huge dork. the people i know like bands i've never heard of and have interesting piercings and like film noir. i like classic rock and i only have pierced ears and i watch boy comedies and chick flicks and anything southern. i've never been out of the country, i hardly ever go to concerts, i don't party on the weekends, and i don't like smoking pot (i just love the smell...). ugh, i just wish i was more interesting and compelling and intiguing. but it's not me. i'm just boring.

college = zoo

i've settled into this strange kind of funk. i go to my classes (yes, all of them. it's weird, i know.), i watch the price is right, lunch at 12:45, dinner at 5:10, dinner jr. at 8:45, weekly shows on sun/tue/thur, daily show at 10, sleep about 12:30. read a little everyday, go over class notes, study for whatever tests i have. then on the weekends i do dishes and laundry, clean up the sty that my little corner has become, probably go see an early movie, then hang out with the girls. this has been every week since my birthday pretty much, with little variations thrown in here and there when something pops up. it's not mind numbingly boring, but it's not exciting, either. i feel like an old person. just going through the motions and following the schedule. i just need a break.

that's why i'm so excited about chippendales next week. a little bit of spice thrown into my 78 year old life. that's also why i'm really happy with the new friends i've made this year. eva, carla and andrea have kind of thrown a pretty pink wrench into my little system. and i like it... and to top it all off, frank and i are actually talking.

so things aren't bad, i just need to find little ways to entertain myself amidst the sea of grey. it's like when they put zoo animals' food in hiding places when they get depressed. so call me coco the bear, and toss me a peanut butter filled giant wiffle ball.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Stolen: Weiner Dog Pumpkin

We had a mini stress relief party wednesday night. we were all a little on edge, so an evening of grilled cheese, carving pumpkins and decorating sugar cookies was in order. the products were quite lovely.

but then last night tragedy struck. i looked out of my window at 9:30 and saw that my pumpkin had been stolen!! i know i'm on a college campus and i shouldn't be surprised, but still. it was a great pumpkin.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

fondling is for lovers

MY BRAIN IS MELTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg, go to google, click images, search brain melting. second picture... then the one on the bottom left.

things like that make me happy.

i'm in geography. i can't take this anymore. he is the most racist and closed minded person i have ever met, and i feel like a traitor for being in this class.

my hair is really soft today.


november fourth at 7pm we're going to be leaning on the stage hollering at hot naked men. as we're on the phone with the ticket lady andrea turns to us and says "i better get to see some ballage."
we all just stopped and stared at her. andrea. blonde, smiling andrea who didn't know that balls moved until this year really wants to see some. not just that, she wants to see hairy, sweaty, probably gay, chemically shrunken strange man balls. but hey, that's what she wants. i don't know if chippendales goes for the full monty, but if they do i think the faces of andrea and katie will be priceless, eva will be screaming, carla will be trying to pinch butts, and i'll be sitting back just enjoying the scene laying out in front of me. unfortunatly, we'll probably be kicked out because they'll tell us too late that we're not allowed to touch the dancers, but we won't care. we will have gotten to see man ass.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

chicago is heaven

i love going home. it's such a nice change of pace. everything is happy there. and the fact that i got to spend all of saturday with frank was just what i needed.

i got some lovely pants and a great new bag at the shops i usually go to. but my favorite thing was just spending time with people. it was really fun to get eva out of the classroom and introduce her to one of my favorite people. and then seeing nick and amanda that night, it was good. i needed a dose of home and some new discoveries.

and my dad seems to be really happy. i don't think i saw him frown the entire time i was there. he's been frowning for five years now, and i don't think i had realized it until this weekend. when someone you love that much is pushing themselves to the point of illness it wears on everyone, but the mood at home was so light, and everyone was happy. home finally felt like home again. i didn't get to see tom, but i will at thanksgiving. i can't wait, that's my absolute favorite holiday. i think i just like the talks we have at dinner, and the games, and the smiling.

smiling's my favorite thing.

i wish everyone i knew smiled all the time. then maybe i would smile, too.

Monday, October 10, 2005

grilled cheese is my lifeblood.

today was an odd day. it started off with me getting back my cultural geography test. eh. then i went and took my civil rights/civil liberties test. that was a trip. i don't know how that'll turn out. we'll have to wait and see. so then i went and picked up the housing app for east lake next year. that was actually really nice. it put me in a good mood because when i was filling it out i realized i had 4 extra c.h.'s, so we're actually in really good standing to get the apartment we want. and THEN
it was grilled cheese day in the caf. that just makes life worth it. i fuckin love grilled cheese.
and i actually talked to frank today. i really miss him. he's supposed to call back later, on his way home. i'm going to take the L vicariously through him. i miss chicago. i just kepe telling myself that i'll be there on thursday. just 3 more days.

Friday, October 07, 2005

reading is... odd?

i think i had a meltdown in my sleep last night. i woke up with extra gooky eyes and there were spots on the pillow. so either my eyes are liquifying and falling out of my head, or i had a dream where i was crying. i think it was the latter, though, because i had a dream that my best friend died and we all had to go back for the funeral. and i sang a song from rent with jim ipema. it was weird. i randomly saw him at tropical sno this summer. he was with the natovneys and the novaks, and mark manetti. it was good to see all those people, even though they probably forgot i even existed. but hey, that's the way it is when you're the quiet kid in high school. i tell people here what i was like back then, and they don't believe me. i don't know if i like that i've changed that much, i didn't think i had, and i don't know which person i am really.
meh, i just got picked on in history because i read the news. go figure.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

my evaluation of the class system in america

when i said i'd have more to write about in biology, i had no idea.
we are talking about fertility rate. we got on the subject of contraceptives, and nosek brought a bag of condoms as a teaching aid, and as a joke after reading the different kinds, asked if anyone wanted some. the kid behind me hollars, yo, i'll take one. yep. then, the guy next to me. but as nosek is giving the second guy a handful, asking if he prefers lifestyle or durex, the one behind me asks if he has any magnums. "no, just one size fits all." not many people heard it, but i'm just so very glad i did.

so i read an article today about a woman who was kicked off a southwest airlines flight because she was wearing an anti-bush tshirt. it had pictures of him and cheney, and said "meet the fuckers." and i guess some people on the flight complained, so the flight attendants said she could only stay on the flight if she changed her shirt. she refused.
conservatives piss me off.
just because you don't like what someone else has to say, it doesn't give you the right to demand them to change. i don't like republicans, but i'm never going to tell people to change who they are because it annoys me. i'm not going to sit on a plane and tell someone who is wearing a pro bush shirt that i don't think they should be aloud to wear it. people who are closed minded make me wish i lived in canada. or australia. but they have an appauling history of treatment towards the aboriginals, much like we do towards native americans. so maybe i'll move to france.
oh, but americans hate france because they wouldn't join a pointless bloodbath war that we shouldn't be involved in. oil isn't that important. we have the money to research alternative fuel sources, why don't we do it? we are sucking this world dry, and the only people who are benefitting are rich tycoons who don't need more money. then you get people like the citizens of new orleans who have some of the richest culture in the world, but because they are poor and black, it doesn't make sense to reinforce a seawall that could possibly save their lives and livlihoods one day. no, instead we'll put that money into the building of a bridge between two island in alaska that will never see vehicle traffic because NO ONE ON EITHER ISLAND HAS A CAR. i'm not making it up. just look it up. this country has such a skewed view of wealth that it makes me sick. my father has worked his ass off for more than 40 years in jobs that don't give him any respect, and he can barely afford to send me and my brother to college, hoping that one day we'll be better off than he ever was. but then you get family who buy brand new cars for their kids every year because "they deserve it." people that waste money are the scourge of the earth. i wish that communism worked more than just on paper, because evening out the horrific gap in wealth of americans should be a top priority. there is no middle class anymore, just rich and poor. it shouldn't be like that. pretty soon it's going to become so dramatic that the poor won't even be able to survive. we're going to revert back to 1600s eruope where people below a certain income level are treated like dirt.

wow. i was typing that with so much fury and anger that my fingers are cramping. i just get heated about injustice and disrespect.

barbeque encounters

the latest kanye cd is amazing. i haven't stopped listening to it. i especially love touch the sky, addiction, and hey mama. i'm listening to it right now. and i watched amityville with katie last night. it wasn't as good as i remembered, but still not bad at all. i'm okay with paying for it.

i really want to lay down in bed and write, or read the fourth harry potter that i have to get through before thanksgiving break, but i have to go to class in 45 minutes, so i really shouldn't or i won't get up.

i've been getting really fed up with a lot of people lately. i don't know, but all of the little things that were getting to me over the summer are suddenly just magnified, and i can't take it. i'm suddenly very happy with my situation. blah blah.

rosie met will ferrell today. he's filming in birmingham, and i guess she ran into him coming out of some restaurant or coffee shop or something. i'm jealous. the last time i met a real famous person my face was covered in barbeque sauce.

ooooo i love gone, too. that's a good one.

alright, i'll probably right more while i'm in class later, so i'm going to save some material for then.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

chi town lovvvvvvvve

i like more than one post in a day, makes me feel like i have a lot to talk about. but then you read it and you're like, why the hell would someone take the time to type this up?
i'm still all pumped about the starbucks. so pumped that i just said pumped. three times. eeeyowzah. i like that word, i think i made up the spelling though.
gilmore girls/cultural geography studying tonight. that's going to be productive. and then "the office." i've grown to love that show, no matter how many times britt yells that the british version is better. we get it. i happen to love steve carell. suck it.
blah blah blah blah.
it makes me happy.
just like michael moore. i love that man, when he's not being a huge nerd on talk shows. i will bet all the money in the world he was a d&d dungeon master in high school. if it was invented then. if not, he was just a big ol' treckie. just like my bio professor.
I NEED CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously, the 13th can't come fast enough. lunch with frankenberry, shopping on belmont, portillos, art institute, highland queen, the list goes on. everything i love about home is not here. i wish i was going to UIC soooooooooooo bad. yar.

turk the farmer

this is the happiest day of my life. ryan flynn is my favorite person at this moment.

so anyway, our rooms is some kind of magnet for strange activity. people stop and look in the door, drunk men stop by looking for the stairs then tell me the ra dropped the ball, and random boys stop by looking for laundry money.

but the one that takes the cake has to do with the RA. at about 10 pm last night katie and i had just finished watching a rent bootleg. the tv was on, but we weren't paying attention, just sitting around compairing accents. then all of a sudden a shadow filled the doorway. it was turk. wearing fake redneck teeth. he smiled, looked at us and said, "how y'all doin t'night, y'all doin guuuuud?"
katie and i couldn't breathe. it was amazing. i'm so happy i witnessed it.

the end.

Monday, October 03, 2005

arg i'm a pirate.

i took the best nap EVER today. i love sleeping. i guess eva came in and was talking to katie for a while, i had no idea. i woke up when carla came in aroung noon. oh it was glorious. and then we went and got lunch in the smaug... seriously best lunch ever. i was soooooo hungry.

i'm dropping my european history class today. in a way i'm disappointed in myself, but at the same time there's this huge feeling of relief. it's one less thing i have to stress about right now. i'm really trying to manage my stress these days, it's been kind of out of control lately. i'm always really stressed out though, i should be used to it by now. but that's just the way it is i guess.

yaaaaaaarrrrrgh it's hot in here. why is it 85 degrees in minnesota in october!?!?!?!?

katie and i were watching america's funniest home videos last night, just like we do every sunday. it was one of the christmas episodes. i want it to be christmas right now. but i don't know what kind of christmas i'm going to have this year, since dad doesn't have a job. i know he's getting frustrated, because mom told me he applied to borders the other day. i said he should just go back to UPS, where he was before Jay's, but he's getting a little old and haggard to work there. in a way i feel sorry for him. he's worked every day of his life, and now all of a sudden he's stuck sitting at home all day. and he's not one of those people who likes to sit back and relax. he feels inadequate if he's not working. and he's got me here in school, tom working at Hope, mom bringing home the only paycheck, and matt going off to college next year. it has to be killing him. he's trying to get his teaching certificate again, and i really hope that works out for him. he's a really good teacher, and i think he'd like to go back to it.

i need to get a job. this week i'm going to menards and target to fill out applications, so hopefully i'll get something here, and then when i go home i'm going to reapply to joann's, petsmart, petco, and borders.

i needed that.